Kategoriarkiv: Uncategorized

Globaliseringens vinnare och förlorare

Den 31 januari 2019 höll jag en föreläsning på Ungdomens Hus i Malmö om globaliseringens vinnare och förlorare. Tillställningen arrangerades av Möllevångens & Triangelns S-föreningar i samarbete med ABF Malmö. Vad kan vi göra åt den växande ojämlikheten? Det var … Fortsätt läsa

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Founding transdisciplinary knowledge production in critical realism

New publication, available from here: This article explains the implications and benefits of founding transdisciplinary collaborations of knowledge production in critical realism. We call such equal partnerships of researchers and practitioners knowledge alliances. Drawing on the distinction between the referent … Fortsätt läsa

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Aiming at Social Cohesion in Cities to Transform Society

New article (August 2018) in Integrating Human Health into Urban and Transport Planning by Mark Nieuwenhuijsen and Haneen Khries (Eds.) However one defines social cohesion – and several alternatives will be presented in this chapter – it does not characterize … Fortsätt läsa

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Combatting the Causes of Inequality Affecting Young People Across Europe

In April 2018, I published a book with the above title. It is based on the project Citispyce. More information on that project is available here. The book has been published by Routledge and described there like this: Inequality is … Fortsätt läsa

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Klass i Malmö

I mars publicerade jag min rapport En fråga om klass i framtidsstaden Malmö, vilken ingår i projektet ”Klass i Sverige”. Mer information om projektet och publiceringen av min rapport finns här. Rapporten blev kommenterad i SDS av Heidi Avellan. Det … Fortsätt läsa

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Act.Now in Vienna, 29-30 January 2018

Act.Now is an initiative taken in the wake of the refugee crisis in 2015. It was set up as an enterprise, acting internationally but based in Vienna. The first international conference was held in Vienna in 2016 and since then … Fortsätt läsa

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Lectures in Vienna

In the second week of January, I was invited by professor Andreas Novy at Vienna University of Economics and Business to give two lectures. The audience at the first one were master students. The lecture, with the title Social Innovations … Fortsätt läsa

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Delegationen mot segregation (Delmos)

I juni 2016 presenterade regeringen ett långsiktigt reformprogram för minskad segregation. Det beslutades att en statlig myndighet med namnet Delegationen mot segregation skulle inrättas för att i samverkan med kommuner, landsting, regioner, myndigheter, forskare och organisationer i det civila samhället … Fortsätt läsa

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RE-InVEST is a EU-project, funded by Horizon, which, according to its web page, “aims to contribute to a more solidary and inclusive EU, through an inclusive, powerful and effective social investment strategy at EU level. Moreover, the project itself adopts … Fortsätt läsa

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EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum (Oct 2017)

On 25 October 2017, I was invited to give a key-note speech at the conference in Gothenburg of EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum. I have enclosed two emails below from the coordinator from EUROCITIES as I think she explains the event … Fortsätt läsa

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